Thursday, July 2, 2009

monitor cpu and memory utilization of an individual process in windows

Sometime it is required to measure cpu utilization of a process instead to cpu utilization of whole machine in windows.
This is very much possible with PerfMon tool in windows
Steps to follow
1: Launch perfmon
2:Click Performance Logs and Alerts tree on left most window
3:Select Counter Logs from tree structure
4: Right click Counter Logs and select "New Log setting"
5: Give any name for new logs.
6: Click on Add objects tab.
7:Select Process from the list then click on Add then close.
8:Click "Log Files" tab at the top.
9:Select Log File Type as csv or tsv,as per your requirement
10: You are all set to go by default log file will be saved in c:\perfLogs folder

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