Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Code for puttting custome Pacing in script

merc_timer_handle_t timer;
double duration;
double pacing_time;

// Read desired pacing timer from a text file.
pacing_time = (double)jds_read_pacing_time("C:\\TEMP\\vugen_pacing.txt");

// Start the timer.
timer = lr_start_timer();

//Your Action Code

// Stop the timer
duration = lr_end_timer(timer);

// Wait for the necessary number of seconds to elapse
if (duration < pacing_time) {
lr_think_time(pacing_time - duration);
} else {
lr_error_message("Pacing time exceeded. Target: %G seconds. Actual: %g seconds", pacing_time, duration);

return 0;

// Read pacing time from a file. Returns time in seconds (whole seconds only).
// Note that file can be on a shared network drive.
int jds_read_pacing_time(char* file_name) {
long fs; // file stream
int number_from_file;

// Open the file for reading
fs = fopen(file_name, "r+");
if (fs == NULL) {
lr_error_message("Error opening file: %s", file_name);
return -1;

// Read number from file.
if (fscanf(fs, "%d", &number_from_file) != 1) {
lr_error_message("Error reading number from file: %s", file_name);
return -1;


return number_from_file;

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